2021-06-01 by

Understand School Processing Timeline

Many people want to further their careers by doing a master’s program or pursuing a Ph.D. program in the United States or Canada. This is a good plan and it is an interesting endeavor. However, many prospective candidates do not know what the timeline is. By timeline, I mean when to start the process and how long the process takes to complete. If you do not have this information, you will miss out on deadlines and may not be able to maximize the opportunities that may be available to competitive candidates such as scholarships, graduate assistantships, and other funding opportunities. So, let’s dive in. In the United States and Canada, the school resumption varies from college to college. However, on a general basis, the most popular school resumption dates are the Spring semester (January), and Fall (August/September). There are some schools that allow summer resumption. For most schools, resumption in the summertime is limited for most schools, especially for international students. Let us focus on Spring and fall semesters. To resume in January (Spring Semester), prospective students need to start the application process a year before. For instance, candidates that will resume in January of 2022 will need to start their application process in 2021. You should start putting your documents together, doing your school search by July, and start applications by August. The processes that go into the application can be categorized into School search, application documents submission, waiting period, Admission acceptance, visa preparation, and finally student orientation. Please look forward to other articles on our blog that give details on some of the steps mentioned above such as school search. Below is our proposed timeline for efficient preparation for your application. Spring Semester (January) Fall Semester (August/September) School Search June of preceding year August of preceding year Application documents submission July -September of preceding year September-November of preceding year Waiting Period October-November November- March Admission acceptance December March-July Visa Preparation December-January June-July Student orientation Welcome welcome Walking through this process may be tasking if walked alone without guidance. It feels good to have someone to show the way every step of the journey to prevent you from getting stuck in the process. At Route Consult, we walk you through the process, from desire to arrivals. You can sign up at or reach out to us on WhatsApp at +1 415 570 4139.

2018-07-19 by


One big question that everyone intending to travel abroad needs to answer begins with the word ‘WHY’? Such questions look basic, but the right answers are easily missed. For instance, take a look at this question: why are you traveling? The answer goes beyond saying the exact reason for the trip. Although saying the exact reason for the trip sounds good, the consular officer is interested in a holistic description of the purpose of the trip in relation to OTHER factors. A student from Ghana was admitted to a school in the United States for graduate studies. The school also provided funding for the program. However, the student was denied student visa twice until Route Consult helped her to provide answers to the questions that begin with ‘why’ and helped her to transform her desire to arrivals. Route Consult is a Travel Support Organization with a vision of bringing individuals from desire to arrivals. This team of experts has the testimony of helping people solve the riddles of immigration technical questions. Route Consult provides explicit but concise coaching from conception of traveling idea to arrival at the desired destination. There is no question you will be asked, that route consult will not help you present the appropriate answer. These answers reflect the exact line of thought of both the consular officer and immigration experts. Why must you employ the service of Route Consult to answer your big question? First, you may not know the right answer to your questions. Second, your answers may not be what the consular expects from you. The consular must hear what is rational before you can be justified to receive a visa. Third, Route Consult is experienced in helping many people provide answers to these questions. It is a common saying that experience is the best teacher. At Route Consult, our staff are experienced with the immigration system. This helps us to provide comprehensive coaching and counseling that makes desired traveling plan a reality. A client said in his testimony ‘the consular officers asked me the exact questions that Route Consult’s coach asked me’. How would you feel if you see the questions and answers to an examination you are preparing for before the day of the exam? Let me suggest two feelings? First feeling is that this is real, and it is a fortune that must be embraced. The second feeling is that maybe it is a fable. The fact is that whatever the feeling, you don’t want to ignore the questions and the answers even if you are not very certain of their authenticity. At Route Consult, you are coached to see the reality of what it takes to get your dream come through. Your experience cut across diverse dimensions depending on the peculiarity of your desire. Starting from graduate school search, admission processing, transcript processing, and statement of purpose for graduate school, studying abroad is made easy when Route Consult is your choice. Immigration experts work effectively in preparing clients for all kinds of visa interview with a guaranteed assurance of visa approval if training conditions are met. The meat of this article is that Route Consult is cost effective. The cost of a visa denial is invaluable ditto to that of failure to achieve one’s dream. Route Consult offers an affordable service without stress of fraudulent practices. A click on may possibly be the beginning of dream achievement. An email sent to will provide professional mind illuminating answers to all the questions you want to ask before you proceed with your dream. What are you waiting for? Let Route Consult answer the big ‘WHY’ question and take you from desire to arrival.

2017-01-27 by

TRAVELING ABROAD MADE EASY… An Answer Looking For A Problem

As much as I want to say happy New Year to all of the users of our blog, our friends on Social media and all our clients that have benefited from our services, I understand that time is ticking. New Year? The first of the 12 months of the year, is almost over. It is running fast. That is why Route consult is reaching out to all that want to proceed on vacation this year abroad, want to secure admission for Masters or Ph.D. in the United States or Canada, or want to travel for tourism or academic conference. Route consult is your “NUMBER 1 go to.” This is a purpose-driven organization with experts that simplify the process of traveling abroad for you.Think in a minute… What is the problem you see in being able to get a higher degree in a University in the United States or Canada? At Route Consult, we outline the process for you and help you follow through. That is the story for many of our clients last year. They are now pursuing their respective dreams in Canada and United States.Akua from Ghana has this to say:“I have enjoyed the service of Route Consult. I was refused U.S Visa twice for reasons I am not sure of. Route Consult helped me gather the scattered bones and to the glory of God, I got the visa on my third attempt with the help of Route Consult. My time frame for the interview was short but they were patient with me and taught me all the dynamics I needed to sail through the interview. I have experienced their services and I will never cease to recommend them to people who are in the situation I found myself.”Akua Kwakyewaa, GhanaThe same is our results among our Nigerian Clients and all over. You need not wait to be denied before you seize the opportunity of getting a clear Route for your travel plans with Route Consult. We are here to make your travel plans to the United States and Canada clearer and better. Even if you are not sure of how to bring your desire to reality, we are the answer looking for a problem to solve, helping you to go from desire to arrivals. You can sign up on our website on Also CONTACT US ON

2018-04-24 by

U.S Visa Interview; Speak Purpose

In applying for U.S Visa, it is important to be prepared to answer the consular genuinely and sincerely. Many other embassies do not require you to come to meet with the consular in person but that of United States does. Discussing the purpose of your trip with the consular is a very important step in the process that determines whether you are granted or not. There are different types of travel visa. The interview denial for some clients starts at the point of applying for the wrong visa. It is imperative to apply for the right type of visa that is in line with the purpose of individual travel plan such as study visa, visiting visa, exchange visitors and many more. Be sure you applied for the right type of visa that will suit your purpose. After this, you have to be able to clearly articulate your purpose for the visa application and why you should be granted. For more information on different types of the visa, please check the USCIS website. For more information on how to articulate your purpose and convince the consular, please contact us visa,

2018-01-13 by


Life game is always a survival of the fittest. Although it is said that the race is not for the swift, the race is also not for the slumbering. A swift effort is necessary to attain the desired goal. Many of our life desires are like competitive games where we need tactics and strategies to win. In a situation where a determined team wants a victory despite a downward score, the best motivation is always a shout of STEP UP. Stepping up simply means working harder to meet your target dreams. There are several people who have dreams of studying abroad and traveling to their most cherished nation, who never achieved this dream. This is not because they cannot but because they decided to step down on their pursuit. People step down because of both simple and complex challenges on their way to achievements. One major reason for stepping down on one’s desires is lack of the right information. There are millions of questions to answer to pursue a dream, but the answers lie in an appropriate information. Route consult is a conglomerate of experts who are loaded with the right words for the right person at the right time. Information on schools where various graduate and undergraduate programs are done in the world is embedded in the school search department of route consult. The right information needed by the admission committee to offer admissions, scholarships and graduate assistantship is encrypted in the brilliant statement of purpose written by Route consult. Route consult provides applicants with consolidated tutoring for visa interview that builds their confidence. This helps our clients to say the right words to the consular and have their VISA issued. I challenge you to step up, stand up to the realization of your dreams. All that looked like mountains before you are simplified when you make a simple click at We are ready to make you smile this year as we take you from desires to achievement.

2017-07-13 by

Obtain Your Visa With An Elevator Speech

Standing before the U.S Consular with the desire to attend a conference abroad or an opportunity to advance your study abroad; may be an anxious moment. You look at the young man/woman that is capable of saying “NO you are denied a Visa” or “YES, your visa is granted, make your travel plans and do have a safe travel.” I understand that this comes with a bit of anxiety. Thoughts of what will happen if denied, and the fantasy of what will follow if granted. Mixed feelings all together. The consular want to ensure that you are going to the U.S on a mission that is worthwhile. They are saddled with the responsibility to vet and ensure that people do not just come to the States without genuine and legal reasons. I respect that, and from that point of view, it is important that you present your case with clarity, such that helps the consular make up his mind easily in your favor. How do you do this? I am a proponent of this old say: “How you dress will determine how you are addressed. You do not have to be suited up but at least be in business casual outfit, if not fully official dress. Simple, neat and responsible outfit sends a signal to the consular. It helps to rank you among the set of purposeful U.S visa applicants. Believe it or not, this is the first impression to the consular. Second is your opening statement: Anywhere in the world, a good morning is appreciated with a look into the eyes of your consular. It speaks confidence and sincerity. Do this with an open face and little smile. Third: Do not be nervous. A denial is not the end of your world. Settle that within you before the interview. The big one is the elevator speech. Many times, they ask you an open ended question like “Why do you want to go to the United States?” If going for schooling; “What do you intend to do with the degree?” Answering such questions with necessary ingredients that help the consular to know you have a purpose and that you are ready for a future ahead of you makes him to step aside, give you your visa. He wishes you the best in your career and a safe trip to America. Future editions of our blog shall address the ingredients of an elevator speech. At Routeconsult, we specialize in helping you put your purpose together in words, presentable to the consular, SO AS TO OBTAIN YOUR VISA. Believe you me, you have a purpose that is bigger than you and it is worth the stretch. Reach out for it and contact us today at Routeconsult, as we take you from desire to arrivals. We also help you through your school application process for masters or Ph.D. We take over your application process and deliver your admission letter to your door steps. Not only that, we prepare you for your visa interview, help you with a winning statement of purpose and a presentable resume. Only at Routeconsult… Taking you from desire to arrivals.
